PG LabelGenset Reactive Power and Supporting Functions
PG NotesSee for details
Pgn NotesNot set
EDPNot set
DPNot set
PFNot set
PSNot set
MultipacketNot set
Transmission RateNot set
PG Data LengthNot set
Default PriorityNot set
PG ReferenceNot set
Sp Start BitNot set
PG DocumentJ1939DA
PG Created or Modified DateNot set
PG SP Mapping Created/Mod. DateNot set

Linked SPNs

Displaying 1-10 of 10 results.
SPNSP NameSP Position In PGSP LengthScalingOffset 
22738Demanded Power Factor    View
22739Demanded Voltage    View
22740Simulated Mains Frequency Offset    View
22741Simulated Mains Frequency Status    View
22742Test Function for the Protection Status    View
22218Generator Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection Test Function Status    View
22219Generator Utility Decoupling Protection Test Function Status    View
22220Generator Fault Ride Through Status    View
22221Generator Reactive Power Under Excitation Limit Status    View
22222Generator Reactive Power Over Excitation Limit Status    View