List DDEntity

Version: 2025012101
Displaying 301-400 of 725 results.
302 - Setpoint Condensed Work State (193-208) View details | Request changes
Definition: The Setpoint Condensed Work State DDIs are the control command counterparts to the Condensed Work States DDIs (161 – 176). The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 193 to 208 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element. The setpoint condensed work state contains the child element setpoint work states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element setpoint work state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements setpoint work state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = disable/off, 01 = enable/on, 10 = error indicator, 11 = no change. In total 16 child device element setpoint work states can be contained in one setpoint condensed work state of their parent device element. If less than 16 child device element setpoint work states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (no change). When the parent device element contains the Setpoint Condensed Work State DDE, then the device descriptor shall not contain the individual setpoint work state DDEs in the child device elements.
Unit Symbol: n.a.
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
303 - Setpoint Condensed Work State (209-224) View details | Request changes
Definition: The Setpoint Condensed Work State DDIs are the control command counterparts to the Condensed Work States DDIs (161 – 176). The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 209 to 224 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element. The setpoint condensed work state contains the child element setpoint work states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element setpoint work state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements setpoint work state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = disable/off, 01 = enable/on, 10 = error indicator, 11 = no change. In total 16 child device element setpoint work states can be contained in one setpoint condensed work state of their parent device element. If less than 16 child device element setpoint work states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (no change). When the parent device element contains the Setpoint Condensed Work State DDE, then the device descriptor shall not contain the individual setpoint work state DDEs in the child device elements.
Unit Symbol: n.a.
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
304 - Setpoint Condensed Work State (225-240) View details | Request changes
Definition: The Setpoint Condensed Work State DDIs are the control command counterparts to the Condensed Work States DDIs (161 – 176). The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 225 to 240 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element. The setpoint condensed work state contains the child element setpoint work states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element setpoint work state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements setpoint work state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = disable/off, 01 = enable/on, 10 = error indicator, 11 = no change. In total 16 child device element setpoint work states can be contained in one setpoint condensed work state of their parent device element. If less than 16 child device element setpoint work states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (no change). When the parent device element contains the Setpoint Condensed Work State DDE, then the device descriptor shall not contain the individual setpoint work state DDEs in the child device elements.
Unit Symbol: n.a.
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
305 - Setpoint Condensed Work State (241-256) View details | Request changes
Definition: The Setpoint Condensed Work State DDIs are the control command counterparts to the Condensed Work States DDIs (161 – 176). The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 241 to 256 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element. The setpoint condensed work state contains the child element setpoint work states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element setpoint work state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements setpoint work state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = disable/off, 01 = enable/on, 10 = error indicator, 11 = no change. In total 16 child device element setpoint work states can be contained in one setpoint condensed work state of their parent device element. If less than 16 child device element setpoint work states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (no change). When the parent device element contains the Setpoint Condensed Work State DDE, then the device descriptor shall not contain the individual setpoint work state DDEs in the child device elements.
Unit Symbol: n.a.
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
306 - True Rotation Point X-Offset View details | Request changes
Definition: X direction offset of the device rotation point relative to the DRP.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 1
307 - True Rotation Point Y-Offset View details | Request changes
Definition: Y direction offset of the device rotation point relative to the DRP.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 1
308 - Actual Percentage Application Rate View details | Request changes
Definition: Actual Application Rate expressed as percentage
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
10 - Irrigation
Bit Resolution: 1
309 - Minimum Percentage Application Rate View details | Request changes
Definition: Minimum Application Rate expressed as percentage
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
10 - Irrigation
Bit Resolution: 1
310 - Maximum Percentage Application Rate View details | Request changes
Definition: Maximum Application Rate expressed as percentage
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
10 - Irrigation
Bit Resolution: 1
311 - Relative Yield Potential View details | Request changes
Definition: Relative yield potential provided by a FMIS or a sensor or entered by the operator for a certain task expressed as percentage.
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
312 - Minimum Relative Yield Potential View details | Request changes
Definition: Minimum potential yield expressed as percentage.
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
313 - Maximum Relative Yield Potential View details | Request changes
Definition: Maximum potential yield expressed as percentage.
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
314 - Actual Percentage Crop Dry Matter View details | Request changes
Definition: Actual Percentage Crop Dry Matter expressed as parts per million.
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
315 - Average Percentage Crop Dry Matter View details | Request changes
Definition: Average Percentage Crop Dry Matter expressed as parts per million.
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
316 - Effective Total Fuel Consumption View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated total fuel consumption in working position.
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
Bit Resolution: 1
317 - Ineffective Total Fuel Consumption View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated total fuel consumption in non working position.
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
Bit Resolution: 1
318 - Effective Total Diesel Exhaust Fluid Consumption View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated total Diesel Exhaust Fluid consumption in working position.
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
Bit Resolution: 1
319 - Ineffective Total Diesel Exhaust Fluid Consumption View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated total Diesel Exhaust Fluid consumption in non working position.
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
Bit Resolution: 1
320 - Last loaded Weight View details | Request changes
Definition: Last loaded Weight value specified as mass
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
11 - Transport / Trailers
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
321 - Last unloaded Weight View details | Request changes
Definition: Last unloaded Weight value specified as mass
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
11 - Transport / Trailers
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
322 - Load Identification Number View details | Request changes
Definition: The Load Identification Number as a decimal number in the range of 0 to 2147483647. Note that the value of this DDI has the limitation of being an signed 32 bit number.
Unit Symbol: #
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
14 - Special Crops
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
323 - Unload Identification Number View details | Request changes
Definition: The Unload Identification Number as a decimal number in the range of 0 to 2147483647. Note that the value of this DDI has the limitation of being an unsigned 32 bit number.
Unit Symbol: #
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
14 - Special Crops
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
324 - Chopper Engagement Total Time View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated time while the chopping mechanism is engaged
Unit Symbol: s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
325 - Lifetime Application Total Volume View details | Request changes
Definition: Entire Application Total Volume of the device lifetime.
Unit Symbol: L
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
Bit Resolution: 1
326 - Setpoint Header Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The setpoint rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
327 - Actual Header Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The actual rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
328 - Minimum Header Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The minimum rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
329 - Maximum Header Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The maximum rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
330 - Setpoint Cutting drum speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The setpoint speed of the cutting drum of a chopper
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
331 - Actual Cutting drum speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The actual speed of the cutting drum of a chopper
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
332 - Minimum Cutting drum speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The minimum speed of the cutting drum of a chopper
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
333 - Maximum Cutting drum speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The maximum speed of the cutting drum of a chopper
Unit Symbol: /s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,001
334 - Operating Hours Since Last Sharpening View details | Request changes
Definition: This value describes the working hours since the last sharpening of the cutting device.
Unit Symbol: s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
12 - Farmyard Work
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 1
335 - Front PTO hours View details | Request changes
Definition: The hours the Front PTO of the machine was running for the current Task
Unit Symbol: s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 1
336 - Rear PTO hours View details | Request changes
Definition: The hours the Rear PTO of the machine was running for the current Task
Unit Symbol: s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 1
337 - Lifetime Front PTO hours View details | Request changes
Definition: The hours the Front PTO of the machine was running for the lifetime of the machine
Unit Symbol: h
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
Bit Resolution: 0,1
338 - Lifetime Rear PTO Hours View details | Request changes
Definition: The hours the Rear PTO of the machine was running for the lifetime of the machine
Unit Symbol: h
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 0,1
339 - Total Loading Time View details | Request changes
Definition: The total time needed in the current task to load a product such as crop.
Unit Symbol: s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
9 - Forage harvester
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
Bit Resolution: 1
340 - Total Unloading Time View details | Request changes
Definition: The total time needed in the current task to unload a product crop.
Unit Symbol: s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
Bit Resolution: 1
341 - Setpoint Grain Kernel Cracker Gap View details | Request changes
Definition: The setpoint gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 0,001
342 - Actual Grain Kernel Cracker Gap View details | Request changes
Definition: The actual gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 0,001
343 - Minimum Grain Kernel Cracker Gap View details | Request changes
Definition: The minimum gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 0,001
344 - Maximum Grain Kernel Cracker Gap View details | Request changes
Definition: The maximum gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 0,001
345 - Setpoint Swathing Width View details | Request changes
Definition: This is the setpoint swathing width of the swath created by a raker.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
346 - Actual Swathing Width View details | Request changes
Definition: This is the width of the swath currently created by a raker.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
347 - Minimum Swathing Width View details | Request changes
Definition: This is the minimum swath width the raker can create.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
348 - Maximum Swathing Width View details | Request changes
Definition: This is the maximum with of the swath the raker can create.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
349 - Nozzle Drift Reduction View details | Request changes
Definition: The Nozzle Drift Reduction classification value of the spraying equipment as percentage
Unit Symbol: ppm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 1
350 - Function or Operation Technique View details | Request changes
Definition: The Function or Operation Technique DDE can be used to define the operation technique or functionality performed by a device element defined within the DDOP. The values to be used are defined in the attached document.
Unit Symbol: n.a.
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
351 - Application Total Volume in [ml] View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated Application specified as volume in milliliter [ml]
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
10 - Irrigation
Bit Resolution: 1
352 - Application Total Mass in gram [g] View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated Application specified as mass in gram [g]
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
10 - Irrigation
Bit Resolution: 1
353 - Total Application of Nitrogen [N2] View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated application of nitrogen [N2] specified as gram [g]
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 5 - Fertilizer
25 - Slurry Applicators
Bit Resolution: 1
354 - Total Application of Ammonium View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated application of ammonium [NH4] specified as gram [g]
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 5 - Fertilizer
25 - Slurry Applicators
Bit Resolution: 1
355 - Total Application of Phosphor View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated application of phosphor (P2O5) specified as gram [g]
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 5 - Fertilizer
25 - Slurry Applicators
Bit Resolution: 1
356 - Total Application of Potassium View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated application of potassium [K] specified as gram [g]
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 5 - Fertilizer
25 - Slurry Applicators
Bit Resolution: 1
357 - Total Application of Dry Matter View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated application of dry matter in kilogram [kg]. Dry matter measured at zero percent of moisture
Unit Symbol: kg
Typically used by Device Class(es): 5 - Fertilizer
25 - Slurry Applicators
Bit Resolution: 1
358 - Average Dry Yield Mass Per Time View details | Request changes
Definition: Average Yield expressed as mass per unit time, corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
Unit Symbol: mg/s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
359 - Average Dry Yield Mass Per Area View details | Request changes
Definition: Average Yield expressed as mass per unit area, corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
Unit Symbol: mg/m²
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
360 - Last Bale Size View details | Request changes
Definition: The bale size of the most recently produced bale. Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
361 - Last Bale Density View details | Request changes
Definition: The bale density of the most recently produced bale. Unit: mg/l (mass per unit volume)
Unit Symbol: mg/l
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
362 - Total Bale Length View details | Request changes
Definition: Gives the total baled meters during a task. This is calculated as the sum of the lengths of all knotted bales (square baler).
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
363 - Last Bale Dry Mass View details | Request changes
Definition: The dry mass of the bale that has most recently been produced. This is the bale mass corrected for the average moisture of this bale (DDI 212).
Unit Symbol: g
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
364 - Actual Flake Size View details | Request changes
Definition: Actual size of the flake that is currently produced by the chamber.
Unit Symbol: mm
Typically used by Device Class(es): 7 - Harvesters
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
365 - Setpoint Downforce Pressure View details | Request changes
Definition: Setpoint downforce pressure for an operation
Unit Symbol: Pa
Typically used by Device Class(es): 2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
Bit Resolution: 1
366 - Actual Downforce Pressure View details | Request changes
Definition: Actual downforce pressure for an operation
Unit Symbol: Pa
Typically used by Device Class(es): 2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
Bit Resolution: 1
367 - Condensed Section Override State (1-16) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 1 to 16 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): - Not Assigned
0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
368 - Condensed Section Override State (17-32) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 17 to 32 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
369 - Condensed Section Override State (33-48) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 33 to 48 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
370 - Condensed Section Override State (49-64) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 49 to 64 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
371 - Condensed Section Override State (65-80) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 65 to 80 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
18 - Reserved for Future Assignment
19 - Timber Harvesters
20 - Forwarders
21 - Timber loaders
22 - Timber Processing Machines
23 - Mulchers
24 - Utility Vehicles
25 - Slurry Applicators
26 - Feeder / Mixer
Bit Resolution: 1
372 - Condensed Section Override State (81-96) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 81 to 96 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
18 - Reserved for Future Assignment
19 - Timber Harvesters
20 - Forwarders
21 - Timber loaders
22 - Timber Processing Machines
23 - Mulchers
24 - Utility Vehicles
25 - Slurry Applicators
26 - Feeder / Mixer
Bit Resolution: 1
373 - Condensed Section Override State (97-112) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 97 to 112 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
18 - Reserved for Future Assignment
19 - Timber Harvesters
20 - Forwarders
21 - Timber loaders
22 - Timber Processing Machines
23 - Mulchers
24 - Utility Vehicles
25 - Slurry Applicators
26 - Feeder / Mixer
Bit Resolution: 1
374 - Condensed Section Override State (113-128) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 113 to 128 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
18 - Reserved for Future Assignment
19 - Timber Harvesters
20 - Forwarders
21 - Timber loaders
22 - Timber Processing Machines
23 - Mulchers
24 - Utility Vehicles
25 - Slurry Applicators
26 - Feeder / Mixer
Bit Resolution: 1
375 - Condensed Section Override State (129-144) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 129 to 144 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
18 - Reserved for Future Assignment
19 - Timber Harvesters
20 - Forwarders
21 - Timber loaders
22 - Timber Processing Machines
23 - Mulchers
24 - Utility Vehicles
25 - Slurry Applicators
26 - Feeder / Mixer
Bit Resolution: 1
376 - Condensed Section Override State (145-160) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 145 to 160 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
377 - Condensed Section Override State (161-176) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 161 to 176 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
378 - Condensed Section Override State (177-192) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 177 to 192 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
379 - Condensed Section Override State (193-208) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 193 to 208 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
380 - Condensed Section Override State (209-224) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 209 to 224 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
381 - Condensed Section Override State (225-240) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 225 to 240 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
382 - Condensed Section Override State (241-256) View details | Request changes
Definition: This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands. The value is a combination of the override states of individual sections number 241 to 256 into a single override state. The condensed section override state contains the child element override states, in the driving direction from left to right, where the leftmost child element override state are the 2 lowest significant bits of the Process Data Value. Each child device elements override state is represented by 2 bits and defined as: 00 = section is not overridden, 01 = section is overridden, 10 = reserved, 11 = undefined / not installed. In total 16 child device element override states can be contained in one condensed section override state. If less than 16 child device element override states are available, then the unused bits shall be set to value 11 (undefined / not installed). This DDE shall be placed in the same device element as the corresponding actual condensed work state.
Unit Symbol: not defined
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
15 - Municipal Work
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
383 - Apparent Wind Direction View details | Request changes
Definition: The apparent wind is the wind which is measured on a moving vehicle. It is the result of two motions: the actual true wind and the motion of the vehicle. The wind angle is referenced to the present heading of the vehicle (Zero degree refers to the vehicle driving direction).
Unit Symbol: °
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
Bit Resolution: 1
384 - Apparent Wind Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The apparent wind is the wind which is measured on a moving vehicle. It is the result of two motions: the actual true wind and the motion of the vehicle.
Unit Symbol: mm/s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 1
385 - MSL Atmospheric Pressure View details | Request changes
Definition: The atmospheric pressure MSL (Mean Sea Level) is the air pressure related to mean sea level.
Unit Symbol: Pa
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 0,1
386 - Actual Atmospheric Pressure View details | Request changes
Definition: The Actual Atmospheric Pressure is the air pressure currently measured by the weather station.
Unit Symbol: Pa
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
17 - Sensor System
Bit Resolution: 0,1
387 - Total Revolutions in Fractional Revolutions View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated Revolutions specified with fractional revolutions
Unit Symbol: #
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 0,0001
388 - Total Revolutions in Complete Revolutions View details | Request changes
Definition: Accumulated Revolutions specified as completed integer revolutions
Unit Symbol: #
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 1
389 - Setpoint Revolutions specified as count per time View details | Request changes
Definition: Setpoint Revolutions specified as count per time
Unit Symbol: r/min
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 0,0001
390 - Actual Revolutions Per Time View details | Request changes
Definition: Actual Revolutions specified as count per time
Unit Symbol: r/min
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 0,0001
391 - Default Revolutions Per Time View details | Request changes
Definition: Default Revolutions specified as count per time
Unit Symbol: r/min
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 0,0001
392 - Minimum Revolutions Per Time View details | Request changes
Definition: Minimum Revolutions specified as count per time
Unit Symbol: r/min
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 0,0001
393 - Maximum Revolutions Per Time View details | Request changes
Definition: Maximum Revolutions specified as count per time
Unit Symbol: r/min
Typically used by Device Class(es): 4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
Bit Resolution: 0,0001
394 - Actual Fuel Tank Content View details | Request changes
Definition: The actual content of the fuel tank
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
395 - Actual Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Content View details | Request changes
Definition: The actualcontent of the diesel exhaust fluid tank
Unit Symbol: ml
Typically used by Device Class(es): 1 - Tractor
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
Bit Resolution: 1
396 - Setpoint Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The setpoint speed that can be specified in a process data variable for communication between farm management information systems and mobile implement control systems. The setpoint speed DDI may also be used in a device description object pool to specify support for speed control by a device. A positive value will represent forward direction and a negative value will represent reverse direction.
Unit Symbol: mm/s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
397 - Actual Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The actual speed as measured on or used by a device for the execution of task based data, e.g. to convert a setpoint rate expressed per area to device specific control data that is expressed as a rate per time. The actual speed can be measured by the device itself or it can be a speed value that is obtained from one of the speed parameter groups that are broadcasted on the ISO11783 network and defined in ISO11783-7. Examples of broadcasted speed parameter groups are wheel based speed, ground based speed and machine selected speed. The source of the actual speed can be specified by a Speed Source DDI that is present in the same device element as the speed DDI. A positive value will represent forward direction and a negative value will represent reverse direction.
Unit Symbol: mm/s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
398 - Minimum Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The minimum speed that can be specified in a process data variable for communication between farm management information systems and mobile implement control systems. A positive value will represent forward direction and a negative value will represent reverse direction.
Unit Symbol: mm/s
Typically used by Device Class(es): - Not Assigned
0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
399 - Maximum Speed View details | Request changes
Definition: The maximum speed that can be specified in a process data variable for communication between farm management information systems and mobile implement control systems. A positive value will represent forward direction and a negative value will represent reverse direction.
Unit Symbol: mm/s
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
400 - Speed Source View details | Request changes
Definition: The Speed Source that the device uses to report actual speed and to process the setpoint, minimum and maximum speeds. The Speed Source value is an enumeration with the following definitions: 0 = Unknown 1 = Wheel-based speed 2 = Ground-based speed 3 = Navigation-based speed 4 = Blended speed 5 = Simulated speed 6 = Machine Selected speed 7 = Machine measured speed (This option indicates the machine uses an own sensor to measures the actual speed, instead of the speed provided on the bus). 8 to 254 = Reserved 255 = No Source available
Unit Symbol: n.a.
Typically used by Device Class(es): 0 - Non-specific system
1 - Tractor
2 - Primary Soil Tillage
3 - Secondary Soil Tillage
4 - Planters /Seeders
5 - Fertilizer
6 - Sprayers
7 - Harvesters
8 - Root Harvester
9 - Forage harvester
10 - Irrigation
11 - Transport / Trailers
12 - Farmyard Work
13 - Powered Auxilary Units
14 - Special Crops
Bit Resolution: 1
401 - Actual Application of Nitrogen [N2] as [mg/l] View details | Request changes
Definition: Actual application of Nitrogen [N2] specified as milligram per liter [mg/l]
Unit Symbol: mg/l
Typically used by Device Class(es): 5 - Fertilizer
25 - Slurry Applicators
Bit Resolution: 1